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September 2010       

California state capitol building

The regular session of the 2009-10 California Legislature wrapped up last month without a state budget. For a status report, along with updates on some key education bills, see the story in this issue.

Web Only Articles

The good, the bad, the ugly: A preliminary glance at the budget deal

7 October 2010 - In the budget agreement expected to be voted on today, the governor has dropped plans laid out in his May Revision to cut child care and cut $1.5 billion from revenue limit schools.

Big victory for LEAs in legal dispute over mandate claim audit rule

5 October 2010 - The Clovis case centers on the so-called “Contemporaneous Source Document Rule.”

Back-to School Webcast addresses uncertainties facing educators

5 October 2010 - CSBA’s Sept. 23 Back-to-School Webcast captured the uncertainty and challenges confronting educators as the 2010-11 school year begins.

CSBA urges grassroots advocacy for schools as deal on state budget appears near

24 September 2010 - As rumors of a state budget deal swirled around the state Thursday, CSBA’s chief legislative advocate called for grassroots pressure to guard against public education taking yet another hit.

Regulations proposed for charter revocations by local authorizers and State Board

21 September 2010 - Two sets of proposed regulations approved by the California State Board of Education would introduce detailed procedures for revoking school charters.

APR: Progress leads O’Connell to call for raising California’s API goals

14 September 2010 - But scores fall short of ever-increasing federal targets as ESEA languishes.

Legislative session ends without a state budget

9 September 2010 - In recent days, Gov. Schwarzenegger has said that both sides are drawing closer to agreement. This may be true, but there is no public evidence of it.

In California School News

Federal waiver lets SBE distribute SIG money

More than a third of the 188 schools that are considered among California’s lowest performers should soon see the money they’ve been counting on to make themselves over in line with federal reform priorities.

CSBA enhances transparency, accountability

CSBA’s Board of Directors took further action at an Aug. 17 special meeting to enhance the fiscal transparency and accountability of the association.

Vantage Point: Getting back on track to a stronger CSBA

Frank Pugh is president of the California School Boards Association.

Annual Conference headliners: Jukes and Noguera to ‘breakout’

Pedro Noguera and Ian Jukes will go beyond the standard presentations by continuing the conversation in special breakout sessions.

Back-to-School Webcast Sept. 23

The Back-to-School Webcast always provides a comprehensive overview of the critical issues directly affecting schools and students.

Director-at-large nominations open

Nominations for CSBA directors-at-large, Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic are being accepted until Friday, Sept. 24.

School finance suit: More support and legal moves

CSBA returns to court next month on Robles-Wong v. California with growing support from school districts and county offices of education throughout the state.

Ruling backs ELA on ‘statewide benefit’ charter case

The July 26 ruling reinstated all five causes of action in a 2007 lawsuit filed by CSBA’s Education Legal Alliance.

Legislature adjourns as budget stalemate continues

Both houses of the state Legislature voted on two disparate spending plans, but neither received the two-thirds vote needed.

State record mixed on federal grants

California misses out on Race to the Top grant, but two districts fare better in i3 competition.