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March newsletter links:

Page 1:
Photo: Jack O’Connell’s State of Education address

Technical glitches lead to extended deadlines for CalPADS reports: Link to O’Connell’s letter to superintendents and administrators

Page 2:
CSBA shares in NSBA award: “Targeting Student Learning” is available from the NSBA bookstore

Special Education Review saves money while improving operations:
Learn more about CSBA’s District Services 

Page 3:
Policy Platform revision process under way: Read CSBA’s Policy Platform and propose changes

Page 4:
‘Be Californian, be counted’ in U.S. Census:
Federal 2010 Census in Schools materials
California’s “Be Californian. Be Counted” campaign 

Common standards proposed for English and math: Watch for the draft K–12 ELA and math standards 

Page 5:
U.S. budget: ‘Fundamental rethinking’ of federal role: The complete, official summary from the U.S. Department of Education 

Page 6:
California’s Class of 2009 scores well in AP results:
“The 6th Annual AP Report to the Nation”
the report’s “California Supplement”
California Department of Education AP information

Page 7:
Sample resolution opposes further cuts to education: Sample resolution and other resources

LAO: Prop. 98 would take $2.4 billion hit in budget:
• Legislative Analyst’s Office: “The 2010-11 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget”
• Previous CSBA analysis: “Budget would cut schools by $2.4 billion”


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March 2010       

Jack O'Connell at State of Education 2010

Jack O’Connell answers reporters’ questions after delivering his last State of Education address as California’s superintendent of public instruction in Sacramento Jan. 22.

Web Only Articles

California finishes 27th in Race to the Top, phase 1

30 March 2010 - Only Delaware and Tennessee will receive RTTT grants in phase 1; California's application scores 27th among 41 applicants.

U.S. questions governor on ‘maintenance of effort’

23 March 2010 - The U.S. Department of Education is weighing whether Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed education funding meets federal “maintenance of effort” requirements for stimulus funds.

Special legislative session on budget adjourns; impact on schools still hazy, but 2010-11 cuts remain likely

12 March 2010 - Legislators need to hear about the cuts to schools that have occurred over the last few years and the impact they have had on students.

Preliminary ‘Lowest-achieving schools’ list goes to State Board of Education

9 March 2010 - State officials release a list of lowest-achieving schools required by Rece to the Top.

RTTT: CSBA renews focus on funding and achievement

9 March 2010 - CSBA and state education leaders are disappointed that California was not chosen as a finalist for Phase 1 of the Race to the Top competitive federal grant program.

In California School News

School board members converge on Washington

Led by CSBA President Frank Pugh, the 22 Californians at the conference provided local perspectives on federal education policies during visits to California’s representatives in Congress.

Technical glitches lead to extended deadlines for CalPADS reports

The state will take two months to resolve CalPADS performance issues.

CSBA shares in NSBA award

NSBA recognizes CSBA's work on groundbreaking policy resource.

Special Education Review saves money while improving operations

The Special Education Review service from CSBA and School Innovations & Advocacy, Inc. can help LEAs save money and improve efficiency.

VantagePoint: A fight for schools is a fight for the future

Frank Pugh is president of the California School Boards Association.

‘Be Californian, be counted’ in U.S. Census

Local school board members and other educators play an important role in conveying the message to students and their families.

Common standards proposed for English and math

States applying for Race to the Top funds will probably be required to adopt the final English-language arts and math standards.

U.S. budget: ‘Fundamental rethinking’ of federal role

The budget promotes increased competition in awarding federal education funds, and asks states and school districts for more in return for formula funds.

California’s Class of 2009 scores well in AP results

Almost one-third of the state's high school graduates took at least one AP exam last year.

LAO: Prop. 98 would take $2.4 billion hit in budget

The Legislative Analyst confirms the governor's budget would reduce education funding by billions.