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CSBA shares in NSBA award 

CSBA was one of five state school board associations recently honored by the National School Boards Association with the Thomas A. Shannon Award for Excellence in School Board Leadership, named for a former NSBA executive director.

The associations collaborated on a long-term project to help governing boards identify processes and key policy topics that support their core mission of academic achievement. The result, “Targeting Student Learning: The School Board's Role as Policy-maker,” is a resource-rich, 300-page workbook and CD.

“The project broke new ground as state associations from across the country came together to discuss—on a national basis—school board policies and their link to learning,” said CSBA Associate General Counsel Judy Cias, who worked on the project since its inception in 1996. “The workbook can help boards focus on the big picture even as they address other issues, from finances to ‘the three B’s: buses, basketball and buildings.’”

Easy link:

  • “Targeting Student Learning” is available at the NSBA bookstore