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October 2010       

Because of budget cuts, Elitha Donner Elementary in the Elk Grove Unified School District has had to lay off seven teachers and a library technician this year, forcing Principal Michelle Jenkins, left, to periodically interrupt her day to check out, shelve and repair books. Without a librarian, students are not being trained to use the library properly, and the walls lack the customary seasonal decorations, she says: “All the little stuff that makes it such a great experience for kids is missing now.”

Web Only Articles

‘Chaos’ follows governor’s veto of funding for AB 3632 services

2 November 2010 - Governor's veto cuts funding for essential mental health services to more than 20,000 children.

Call for nominations for Delegate Assembly

2 November 2010 - Friday, Jan. 7, is the deadline to submit nominations and candidate biographical sketch forms for prospective members and incumbent members of CSBA’s Delegate Assembly.

In California School News

State budget: Short-term gain, but long-term pain

A 21-hour floor session saw passage of a budget bill that included two trailer bills dealing with K-12 education, including a bill to suspend Proposition 98 for the 2010-11 fiscal year.

Questions mark new school year

CSBA’s Sept. 23 Back-to-School Webcast captured the uncertainty and challenges confronting educators in one quick vignette.

Vantage Point: Lawmakers fiddle while California’s crisis grows

At the rate our Legislature is going, it won’t be long before we start having state budgets signed at a Veterans Day parade.

2011 CSBA officer candidates

Nominations for President-elect and Vice President may be taken from the floor of the Delegate Assembly meeting in San Francisco on December 1.

Candidates for governor, schools chief air views online

With both incumbents barred by term limits from running again, the Nov. 2 elections for governor and superintendent of public instruction offer Californians a chance to choose new directions for their state in general, and for its approach to public education in particular.

Open enrollment, charter revocation regs under way

Proposed regulations for the Open Enrollment Act are among several issues due to return to the State Board of Education in November following preliminary action in September.

LEAs score ‘major victory’ over mandate claim rule

A state appeals court has agreed with school districts and CSBA’s Education Legal Alliance that the state controller improperly refused to reimburse districts for mandated services.

Learning and activities to animate Trade Show floor

This year's conference features a number of training events in a specially designated area right on the Trade Show floor near the CyberCafé.

Simitian, Brownley are CSBA Legislators of the Year

CSBA has selected state Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, and Assembly Member Julia Brownley, D-Santa Monica, as Outstanding Legislators of the Year for 2010.

Under the Dome: End-of-session wrap-up

Summaries of the governor’s actions or other outcomes of key education-related bills on which CSBA had adopted a position.