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Candidates for governor, schools chief air views online 

With both incumbents barred by term limits from running again, the Nov. 2 elections for governor and superintendent of public instruction offer Californians a chance to choose new directions for their state in general, and for its approach to public education in particular.


Much attention has been focused on the race for governor, but the two candidates’ stances on education issues have garnered relatively little coverage. That leaves the candidates’ own campaign websites as perhaps the best source for insights into their views on public schools:

State superintendent

The runoff election for the nonpartisan post of state superintendent has drawn far less attention. Once again, the candidates’ own campaigns offer their authoritative positions, but at least two independent sources are also available.

  • Larry Aceves
  • Tom Torlakson
  • Thoughts on Public Education is a nonprofit online forum on education policy, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and sponsored by the Silicon Valley Education Foundation. It has posted interviews with each of the two candidates; each interview runs in two parts.
  • The California Channel, a nonpartisan service of California’s cable television providers, has also posted separate interviews with the two candidates: