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2011 CSBA officer candidates 

The 2010 Nominating Committee met Oct. 9 to interview the candidates for President-elect and Vice President of CSBA. Upon deliberation, as outlined in CSBA Bylaws and Standing Rules, the Nominating Committee voted to put forward Cindy Marks as a candidate for 2011 Vice President and voted to put no candidates forward for President-elect.

The Nominating Committee is aware of its important responsibility to present to the Delegate Assembly those candidates it believes will provide the best possible leadership for CSBA. The committee sent out a call for nominations last spring, and nomination forms were due in June. Completed candidate declaration of candidacy packets were submitted in early July, and over the summer the committee reviewed the packets and developed questions for the candidate interviews.

As provided for in CSBA’s Standing Rules, nominations for President-elect, as well as additional nominations for Vice President, may be taken from the floor of the Delegate Assembly meeting in San Francisco on Dec. 1. Individuals interested in running for office must notify CSBA President Frank Pugh prior to the beginning of the Delegate Assembly meeting. Information regarding timelines, rules and regulations governing the election process is available on CSBA’s website. All candidates will have the opportunity to participate in the Candidate Forum on Dec. 1.

—Suzan Solomon, Chair 2010 Nominating Committee, Region 22, Newhall ESD
Jack Bedell, Region 15, Orange County Board of Education
Bertha Lopez, Region 17, Sweetwater Union HSD
Kathryn Ramirez, Region 9,Salinas Union HSD
Charles Ramsey, Region 7, West Contra Costa USD
Kathleen Sullivan, Region 20, Morgan Hill USD
Elizabeth (Beth) Swift, Region 15, Buena Park ESD

Following is the statement from candidate for Vice President Cindy Marks. The statement appears exactly as it was received by CSBA:

Cindy Marks
Modesto City Schools
It is our collective responsibility to encourage and equip our youth so that they have every opportunity to succeed and grow into responsible adults in order to achieve their full potential.

My experience mentoring inner city youth and known gang members for eleven years, serving as a school board member for twelve years, a member of Delegate Assembly for four years and currently serving as Director of Region 8 for the last six years, has equipped me to understand what is needed to give youth a positive vision for their future.

I am passionate about meeting the needs of the students in California through enrichment of an academic curriculum that provides opportunities for them to succeed in a global society while closing the achievement gap and making the best use of our available finances. I have a known record of diligently working with local and state officials informing and educating them on the needs that our students and schools face. I am a known fiscal conservative and have voted against inappropriate budget increases. I won’t hesitate to speak up for what I believe in. It is my desire to incorporate the Delegate Assembly members’ views in such a way that CSBA continues to grow and change into an even more dynamic organization that is respectful and mindful of all of the challenges facing our school districts.

I will be a strong courageous leader who will advocate for our youth and would be honored to have your support.