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See the archived Forecast Webcast and download background materials:

CSBA state budget resources and advocacy materials:

Access the state’s Race to the Top application and more information:

More information about 'Celebrating Opportunities' conference:

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February 2010       

Christopher Thornberg, Rick Pratt, Scott P. Plotkin, Frank Pugh at CSBA's 2010 Forecast Webcast. Janelle Kubinec out of frame.

CSBA Forecast Webcast panelists, from left: economist Christopher Thornberg, CSBA Assistant Executive Director Rick Pratt, Executive Director Scott P. Plotkin and President Frank Pugh. Not pictured: Jannelle Kubinec of School Services of California.

Web Only Articles

ELA Update: Court rules ERAF to be included in calculation of district’s redevelopment tax payments

23 February 2010 - This court of appeal decision is important for all school districts with redevelopment agencies within their boundaries and where counties calculate pass-through payments on the “pre-ERAF” basis.

State budget: Time running out on special session as LAO totes up hit to Prop. 98

18 February 2010 - The state Legislature seems poised for action as the 45-day clock on the special session Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called to address the state’s budget deficit winds down to its conclusion next Monday.

LAO confirms $2.4 billion hit to Prop. 98 in governor’s budget

16 February 2010 - State legislators face “incredibly daunting challenges’ in creating a balanced budget this year, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office says in a recent analysis.

Admitting problems, state extends CalPADS reporting deadlines

16 February 2010 - Local educational agencies will have more time to file required data with the state’s complex California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System while state officials spend the next two months working to resolve “unacceptable performance issues."

California scores well in newest AP results

16 February 2010 - California public schools placed seventh among the 50 states in two key measures of college readiness.

ELA update: Interviews of child abuse victims by social workers

8 February 2010 - Recently, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal held in Greene v. Camreta that an interview of a student at school by a social worker and deputy sheriff, about allegations of sexual abuse by the student’s father, violated the girl’s right Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable “seizure” (e.g., questioning by law enforcement). According to the court, the social worker and sheriff could not question the child absent emergency circumstances or without obtaining a warrant, court order or parental consent.

In California School News

Forecast: Experts see more hard times ahead

The grim budgetary times are far from over, the speakers at CSBA's 2010 Forecast Webcast agreed.

Budget would cut schools by $2.4 billion

While the governor proposes to reduce state Proposition 98 spending in 2010–11 by $1.5 billion, the actual year-to-year decline in revenues for school districts and county offices of education would be more than $2.4 billion under his proposal.

VantagePoint: CSBA to Washington: Don’t tread on us

'CSBA wants to partner with the federal government. But I'd like to put our partners on notice that I'm also prepared to coil and strike, as the occasion demands.'

Race to the Top: It’s not over yet

Winning states for the first round of Race to the Top grants will be announced in April; applications for the second round are due June 1.

‘Celebrate’ in Phoenix

'Celebrating Educational Opportunities' conference takes place in Phoenix, Ariz., March 25–28.

Policy Platform revision process under way

Suggested changes can now be submitted online.