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Under the Dome: Status of selected bills at press time 

AB 572 Charter schools: conflict of interest
Brownley, D-Santa Monica

This bill would require charter schools to comply with the California Public Records Act and either the Ralph M. Brown Act or the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act regarding open meetings. Consistent with the requirements for other school board members, charter school board members would be prohibited from holding a financial interest in any contract made by them in their official capacity or by any body of which they are members.
CSBA position: Sponsor
Status: On the governor’s desk

SB 675 Partnership academies
Steinberg, D-Sacramento

This bill would allocate $8 million from the Energy Resources Program Account to the superintendent of public instruction for local grants to be allocated pursuant to the existing provisions for creating and maintaining partnership academies. Grantees must implement or maintain a partnership academy that focuses on employment in clean technology businesses and renewable energy businesses and provide skilled work forces for energy and/or water conservation products and services, renewable energy, pollution reduction or other technologies.
CSBA position: Support
Status: On the governor’s desk

SB 930 Pupil assessment
Ducheny, D-San Diego

This bill would require that results of any primary-language assessment developed by the California Department of Education and administered to limited-English-proficient students on or after July 1, 2013 be included in the state's assessment system and in the state's federal and state accountability systems. 
CSBA position: Support
Status: On the governor’s desk

SB 1059 Local educational agency: district of residence
Liu, D-Pasadena

This bill would clarify which local educational agency is responsible for the provision and payment of special education services for pupils with disabilities in the foster care system who have been detained in a juvenile hall and are subsequently placed in a residential treatment facility. This would impose new requirements on school districts and would be state-mandated.
CSBA position: Oppose unless amended
Status: On the governor’s desk

SB 1381 Kindergarten: age of admission
Simitian, D-Palo Alto

This bill would change the birthday for admission to kindergarten and first grade from Dec. 2 to Sept. 1 over a three-year period beginning in the 2012-13 school year; a child whose admission to a traditional kindergarten is delayed would be required to be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program operated by the school district. Students participating in a transitional kindergarten program would be included in the school district’s calculation for average daily attendance.
CSBA position: Support if amended
Status: On the governor’s desk

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