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November 2010       

Tom Torlakson and Jerry Brown

California Attorney General Jerry Brown, shown at right, campaigns for governor in Sacramento shortly before the Nov. 2 vote. Assembly Member Tom Torlakson is shown in the photo at left after he addressed CSBA's Delegate Assembly in San Diego last December as a candidate for state superintendent of public instruction.

Web Only Articles

LAO: ‘California’s Fiscal Outlook’ dismal

16 November 2010 - New and returning lawmakers will start out more than $6 billion in the red, the Legislative Analyst’s Office warns in a new report.

Election results reflect disparity in school bond and parcel tax requirements

9 November 2010 - A review of preliminary, unofficial election results posted on CSBA’s Web site shows 59 K-12 bond measures on the Nov. 2 ballot and 17 K-12 parcel taxes.

Webcast: Panel recaps election’s effect on budget, prospects for kids

9 November 2010 - The webcast from School Services of California and the California School Boards Association is available on demand through Dec. 7.

In California School News

‘Chaos’ follows veto of funds for AB 3632

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger put more than 20,000 California children with severe emotional disabilities in jeopardy when he cut $133 million for essential mental health services mandated under Assembly Bill 3632 out of the new state budget.

Pugh reaches out to new governor and schools chief

CSBA has spearheaded a strategic approach that can help with the education issues facing Brown and Torlakson.

Vantage point: Congratulations—now get to work!

Frank Pugh is president of the California School Boards Association.

Spotlight Sessions: ESEA, other issues

Noted education expert Richard Rothstein will shed light on reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act a 75-minute Spotlight Session at CSBA’s upcoming Annual Education Conference and Trade Show.

Social networking woven into conference plans

CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show will offer abundant opportunities to learn what you need to know about social networking.

Forecast Webcast to lead off CSBA 2011 events

CSBA’s two-hour Forecast Webcast goes out live over the Internet starting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 13—just days after California’s next governor is due to propose a new state budget.

Call for nominations for Delegate Assembly

Friday, Jan. 7, is the deadline to submit nominations and candidate biographical sketch forms for prospective members and incumbent members of CSBA’s Delegate Assembly.

New service helps LEAs meet facilities access needs

CSBA’s new ADA Compliance Program helps LEAs with the planning assistance they need to make all their facilities accessible to persons with disabilities.

CDE, LEAs plead for override of CalPADS veto

The governor’s veto "has generated a tremendous amount of angst, anxiety, and anger among those of us at the LEA level,” Long Beach official asserts.

CDE: Wait to see impact of ruling on teacher interns

Local educational agencies can wait to see the implications of a recent court ruling that apprentice teachers in credential programs are not “highly qualified” under terms of the No Child Left Behind Act.