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Back-to-School Webcast Sept. 23 

There’s still time to register for CSBA’s 2010 Back-to-School Conference Webcast, which is coming Sept. 23 with the latest news on the state budget and the state of public K-12 education in general.

The Back-to-School Webcast always provides a comprehensive overview of the critical issues directly affecting schools and students. This year’s agenda remains in flux as developments in Sacramento continue, but the state budget is sure to be up for discussion, as is Robles-Wong v. California, the historic lawsuit CSBA and several partners have filed to have the state’s system of school finance declared unconstitutional.

Other likely topics include recent State Board of Education actions on the Common Core State Standards and the Open Enrollment Act; other state and federal education policies and funding; and the campaigns for governor and state superintendent of public instruction.

The two-hour Back-to-School Webcast will be transmitted live starting at 10 a.m. This marks the fourth year that CSBA has offered Back-to-School in a complimentary, online format, avoiding the travel time and expense that regional briefings had cost presenters and participants alike. It’s easier than ever to participate, and the news is fresh and in-depth—but early registration is recommended. 

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