Roles and responsibilities
The Executive Committee provides leadership to the association between meetings of the Delegate Assembly and Board of Directors and serves as a direct resource to the executive director to ensure that operational decisions are derived by the policy platform, vision, mission and strategic directions of the association. As described in Article VI of CSBA’s bylaws, the Executive Committee has the following powers and duties:
- Provide overall, ongoing policy direction to the association’s executive director.
- Authorize programs and activities which implement the vision, mission and strategic directions of the association.
- Monitor major programs and policy implementation to ensure compliance with the policy platform and the vision, mission and strategic directions of the association.
- Adopt final positions and policies that are consistent with the Policy Platform. Interim positions on statewide initiatives may also be adopted when the Policy Platform is silent on the issues but only after a reasonable effort has been made to obtain input from the Directors between Board of Directors meetings.
- Adopt final positions on legislation that are consistent with the Policy Platform. Final positions on legislation may also be adopted when the Policy Platform is silent on the issues but only after a reasonable effort has been made to obtain input from the Directors between Board of Directors meetings.
- Evaluate the performance of the executive director on an annual basis.
- Serve as a spokesperson for the association’s agenda.
- Serve as liaisons with external groups on behalf of the association.
- Fulfill CSBA's corporate function and fiduciary responsibilities between Board of Directors meetings.
Because CSBA’s officers are responsible for providing leadership between meetings of CSBA’s governing bodies, acting as spokespersons on behalf of the association, evaluating the executive director, and presiding over leadership meetings, officers must:
- Think and act strategically
- Maintain a constructive partnership with the executive director and understand CSBA’s governing structure
- Speak publicly and represent CSBA to the media, members and the public
- Facilitate and preside over meetings; while remaining focused on CSBA’s priorities

Dr. Bettye Lusk
CSBA President
Monterey Peninsula USD
Debra Schade
CSBA President-elect
Solana Beach SD

Sabrena Rodriguez
CSBA Vice President
Ventura USD

Albert Gonzalez
CSBA Immediate Past President
Santa Clara USD