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AboutLeadership, organizational structure, benefits, and business partners and affiliates

CSBA’s Delegate Assembly is a vital link in the association’s governance structure. Working with local districts, county offices, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, Delegates ensure that the association reflects the interests of school districts and county offices of education throughout the state. There are two required Delegate Assembly meetings each year.   

Roles and responsibilities

The Delegate Assembly provides policy direction for the association, elects officers and directors, and ensures that the association reflects the interests of school districts and county offices of education. The Delegate Assembly consists of:

  • More than 280 elected board members from CSBA's 21 geographic regions 
  • A 31-member Board of Directors
  • Past presidents of CSBA serving on local school boards

As described in Article III, Section 1, of CSBA's Bylaws, the Delegate Assembly has the following powers and duties:

  • Adopt the policy platform every two years. The policy platform provides a broad framework for implementing the association’s vision, mission and strategic directions, and as such guides the association’s policy and political leadership activities
  • Adopt policies and positions as needed to supplement the policy platform
  • Provide testimony or input on critical issues during special hearings at Delegate Assembly meetings
  • Elect the association’s officers and Board of Directors
  • Serve on standing committees, councils, task forces, and focus groups
  • Adopt the corporate bylaws
  • Provide two-way communication with local board members
  • Provide advocacy on behalf of children, public education, school boards and the Association
  • Support and participate in the association’s activities and events.

Election to the Delegate Assembly

Delegates are elected by CSBA member boards. Nominees for a delegate seat must be a board member from a CSBA member board in the nominating board's region. Click here for more information about Delegate Assembly nominations and elections.

The next meeting of the Delegate Assembly will take place May 17-18 in Sacramento.