CSBA’s Nominating Committee met on September 19, 2020, via Zoom virtual meeting to interview the following candidates for President-elect and Vice President of CSBA. For President-elect: Susan Heredia, Natomas USD. For Vice President: Susan Markarian, Pacific Union ESD.
Following the candidate interviews and the Committee’s deliberations, the Committee nominated Susan Heredia as candidate for President-elect and Susan Markarian as candidate for Vice President.
Qualified individuals interested in being nominated from the floor of the Delegate Assembly for either President-elect or Vice President, must submit a complete Declaration of Candidacy packet along with their written intention to run, on or before Sunday, November 1, 2020. Intentions to run from the floor and the packet must be submitted to the President, Xilonin Cruz-Gonzalez by email at xcruz-gonzalez@csba.org and the Nominating Committee Chair, Christina Lucero at clucero214@bpusd.net.
Running from the floor documents
Susan Heredia, Natomas USD
For President-Elect
I have had the honor and the privilege of serving as your Vice-President this last year. I learned much during this time, and I am grateful for the guidance and mentorship from those who served in this position.
Public education has faced difficult times in the past, but the unexpected thrust of a pandemic quickly challenged our familiar notions of public schools and altered our course of governance. Consequently, we escalated regional advocacy efforts and participated in meetings and professional development opportunities to strengthen our knowledge and skills in addressing both the unknown and the changing face of education. We enthusiastically lobbied elected officials for funding sources, resources, and public policies that would support a pathway for student success. The power of our collective voices and advocacy efforts give life and meaning to CSBA’s mission statement and to the tenants of the Grassroots Initiative.
I am proud to be a part of a team committed to educating ALL our children. This commitment is reflected in our continuing efforts to secure Full and Fair Funding for our schools. It is reflected in our efforts to provide rigorous programs for our students and to ensure accountability for educational outcomes. It is reflected in our efforts to ensure that our policies are equity-driven and our governance decisions counter institutional discrimination and bias. By capitalizing on our strengths and combining our efforts we can effect change.
I respectfully ask for your vote for President-Elect.
Susan Markarian, Pacific Union ESD
For Vice President
In this time of uncertainty, the pandemic has created a need to provide innovative new ways to educate our students. We need exceptional executive committee leadership now, more than ever. I feel confident I can be the highly qualified candidate that is needed during these challenging times.
As the only association for elected school board members it is imperative that CSBA excels at providing outstanding services and support for our membership. I am acutely aware of the importance that a strong association like CSBA be the essential voice for education.
When there is a crisis in our lives, we pull together with a singular focus and become better collaborators because we have the same goal. However, we cannot allow ourselves to ignore our Strategic Initiatives. We need to continue to advocate for Full and Fair Funding, and that funding needs to be sustainable. Our "Grassroots" advocacy will empower our membership and communities to drive the education agenda. We need to continue expanding our Governance Trainings, making them more accessible and relevant, and complete the important work of the Governance Task Force.
Public education is my passion. Having served 12 years as a Delegate,18 years as a Regional Director and 35 years on my local board, those years have equipped me to be an effective executive officer. I believe public service, in this capacity, is my individual way to give back to an association that has given so much to me.
Click here for more information on the nominations process and the candidate criteria adopted.