Jennifer Owen
Director, Region 1, Fort Bragg USD
Jennifer Owen, a board member in the Fort Bragg Unified School District, became the Region 1 Director of the California School Boards Association, representing Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake and Mendocino counties, in December 2010.
Owen has served on the board of trustees for the Fort Bragg Unified School District since 1999 and has served as the board president, vice president and parliamentarian. She has been an active participant and officer in various parents clubs, PTAs and site councils since 1995.
Owen is an active CSBA member and has served on the Delegate Assembly since 2002. From 2005 until her appointment as Region 1 Director, Owen represented CSBA as a member of the California Interscholastic Federation’s (CIF) Federated Council, serving as one of the two school board member representatives.
Owen is currently employed as the Housing and Economic Development Coordinator for the City of Fort Bragg, where her work focuses on grant writing as well as grant and project management for housing and economic development activities. She has been a certified public accountant since 1990 and has worked in public accounting, private industry, and as finance director for a non-profit organization.
Owen received a Bachelor of Science in marketing from California State University, Chico in 1982 and a Bachelor of Science in accounting from San Jose State University in 1988.
She is married to Thomas Owen, a Fort Bragg attorney, and together they have three sons.