Anne White
Director, Region 7, Livermore Valley Joint USD
In December 2013, Anne White, a board member in the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District, became the Region 7 Director of the California School Boards Association, representing Alameda and Contra Costa counties. As a member of CSBA, Anne served on the Delegate Assembly since 1999 and has been active serving on numerous CSBA committees and task forces.
Anne White was first elected to the Board of Trustees of the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District in 1990. She has led Livermore teams in highlighting local successes to audiences at CSBA and NSBA annual conferences and at the Unity Conference. White has worked on nearly all Livermore district committees. Currently she is assigned to the Dual Immersion Taskforce, the High School Graduation Requirements Committee and the Policy Committee. She also represents the Livermore board at meetings of the Tri-Valley Education Collaborative - Career Tech.
She frequently represents Livermore at the Alameda County School Boards Association and has served as the ACSBA President and Vice-President. Anne was a member of the "Tri-Valley Vision 2010" Commission and the Alameda County led Tri-Valley Adolescent Health Initiative Steering Committee. The East Bay Council of California Women Lead presented Anne with the "Juanita Haugen - Women Making a Difference Award, Leadership and Education." The Croce Elementary PTA awarded her the State PTA Continuing Service Award. She also served as a member of the Purdue University Biological Sciences Alumni Advisory Council from 2007 to 2012.
Anne earned a B.A. from Brown University.