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Training and EventsLearning opportunities, training sessions, professional development and meetings


Directing a board requires strong leadership, strategic vision and the ability to pull together members of a team. CSBA's Board Presidents Workshop prepares you for this new role. Board members receive tips, tactics and techniques to build effective governance teams, conduct meaningful meetings and fulfill governance responsibilities while focusing efforts on improved student learning and achievement.

The Program

The Board Presidents Workshop provides current and aspiring board presidents with tools for focused leadership. Board members receive tips and techniques — tried and true successful practices based on research and experience — to help them forge effective governance teams, conduct meaningful meetings and fulfill governance responsibilities in a way that focuses all district and county office efforts on improved student learning and achievement.

This workshop will address:

  • The role of the board president
  • Strategies to forge an effective team

Tools to do business - nuts and bolts of effective meetings

  • Providing focused leadership
  • Evaluating the superintendent
    and much more... 

Who Should Attend?

Current and aspiring board presidents


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Wed Jan 22, 2025 08:30 AM To Wed Jan 22, 2025 04:30 PM

Wed Feb 19, 2025 08:30 AM To Wed Feb 19, 2025 04:30 PM

Wed Mar 19, 2025 08:30 AM To Wed Mar 19, 2025 04:30 PM

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