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Winter 2008 Link to Learning

CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show – Bullying Prevention Workshops

10/18/2011 - CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show will offer workshops on bullying prevention.

In This Issue

CSBA Sample Resolution Against Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Violence

In an effort to raise awareness about bullying, CSBA offers a sample resolution for districts and county offices of education to adopt in support of National Bullying Prevention Month.

Gender Segregated School Activities Can Be Harmful to Students

Gender segregated school activities place transgender and gender nonconforming students at risk for harassment, violence and increased stress, which can affect their ability to achieve academically and participate fully in school activities.


We must take action now to stop bullying, harassment and discrimination, and to ensure all students and staff have a safe school environment that creates the conditions necessary to foster academic achievement. This issue of Link to Learning celebrates October as National Bullying Prevention Month, and is devoted to understanding how harassment of students impacts their ability to be engaged, concentrate and achieve academic success. You will find information and resources on school safety and bullying prevention, including a governance team guidebook with strategies for creating safe schools, a sample resolution on bullying prevention, students sharing their experiences in their own words and studies and toolkits on bullying and school climate.

‘Students on Board: A Conversation Between School Board Members and Students’

School climate - whether students feel safe, supported and connected - is a critical aspect of their ability to learn and thrive that’s easily overlooked in this era of massive budget cuts and accountability programs based on standardized test scores.

Providing Support for Creating Safe School Environments

School districts and County Offices of Education can take steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students who may be discriminated against on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Districts and COEs are responsible for providing a safe environment for all students in order to allow students to be free from distraction that could hinder their ability to learn and succeed in the classroom.

Safe Schools: Strategies for Governing Boards to Ensure Student Success

CSBA has re-titled, revised and expanded its Protecting Our Children guidebook to create a more comprehensive look at school climate and include current bullying and harrassement issues.

School Bathrooms and Locker Rooms Don’t Have to be a Nightmare

Bathrooms and locker rooms currently pose a safety risk for many transgender and gender nonconforming students. Policy change, implementation and education can greatly reduce this risk. Read stories from students about how these situations impact their opportunities and environment for learning and academic achievement.