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CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show – Bullying Prevention Workshops 

CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show will offer workshops on bullying prevention: 

Workshop: Creating Safe Schools for LGBT Students
School boards are responsible for making sure that all students are protected and safe in school. Student presenters will share stories, and give concrete examples of how critical it is to protect them from harassment. Learn about the most recent research on transgender and gender non-conforming youth and school safety issues, as well as updates to the current law and how schools can best meet their legal obligations to protect students. Attendees will explore effective model policies and leave this session with the key strategies and tools to develop policies to support these students.

T. Aaron Hans - Advocacy Program Manager, GSA Network
Kristina Wertz - Legal Director, Transgender Law Center
Sandra Fewer - Board Member, San Francisco Board of Education
Thursday, December 1
10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Peer Mentoring: Building a School Culture Where Everyone Belongs
In 2008, South Pasadena Middle School began a process to address students' “connectiveness” to school. One of the programs was a peer-mentoring program: W.E.B. (Where Everyone Belongs). Peer-mentoring is a proven strategy in helping to create safe schools and improving student achievement. The South Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education members will discuss the district policy and strategies related to bullying prevention and positive school climate to improve the culture and climate in South Pasadena. Additionally, workshop participants will be shown how they can adapt the program to fit their school.

David Kubela - Principal, South Pasadena Middle School
Elisabeth Eilers - South Pasadena Board Member, South Pasadena USD
Tracy Ishimaru - School Counselor, South Pasadena Middle School, South Pasadena USD
Andrew Adanto - Teacher, South Pasadena Middle School, South Pasadena USD
Thursday, December 1
10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m

Workshop: Not in Our Schools, Not in Our Town: A Community United to End Bullying
Westside Union School District’s comprehensive program Not in Our Town 2010 addresses cyberbullying, sexual harassment, and responsible bystander behaviors, giving students the awareness and tools needed to eliminate bullying on campus and in cyberspace. Not in Our Town gained community, city, state, and national recognition and is being implemented in four school districts, at 20 secondary school sites. Leave this session with a solid grasp of the community relations role, the site level action plan, and the vital role of the Governance Team in fueling anti bullying activism within the school and broader community.

Regina Rossall - Superintendent, Westside USD
Lauri Massari - Counselor, Westside USD
Gwendolyn Farrell - Board Member, Westside USD
Linda Jones - Board Member, Westside USD
Friday, December 2
8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

Workshop: Whole School Climate: A Framework to Stop Bullying and Create Safer Schools
This session will present a framework to guide boards seeking to strengthen school climate and achieve safer and high performing environments. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of best practice policies, strategies and programs that improve school climate and reduce bullying related incidents that negatively impact desired outcomes.

Rick Phillips - Executive Director, Community Matters
Friday, December 2
4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.

To find out more visit CSBA’s Annual Education Conference website.