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Statement from California School Boards Association CEO & Executive Director Vernon M. Billy on today’s shooting at a San Bernardino Elementary School


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (April 10, 2017) – “We are devastated by the violence that occurred at a San Bernardino elementary school today and further saddened that this tragedy took place in a community which has suffered so much heartbreak in recent years,” said CSBA CEO & Executive Director Vernon M. Billy. “We grieve for all those affected by the shooting, particularly the families of the student and two adults who died in the attack and the family of the injured student. Our hearts go out to all the students at North Park Elementary School who were exposed to this traumatic event. We simply must do a better job of caring for, protecting and nurturing the most vulnerable members of our society.”

CSBA knows that reports of violence at school can be troubling for students, especially for younger children who struggle to understand how an act like a shooting could take place at school and may fear for their own safety as a result. While there is no foolproof method for addressing such a difficult topic, there are many resources available to help educators, parents and guardians speak with their children after a school shooting and manage their distress. Please see below for some especially useful resources as well as guidance for school board members, school administrators and educators on practices that promote school safety.

Trauma resources for educators, parents and guardians
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators
What can be done at school to help a traumatized child?

U.S. Department of Education
Tips for Helping Students Recovering from Traumatic Events

American Psychological Association
Helping your children manage distress in the aftermath of a shooting

Centers for Disease Control
Coping with a traumatic event

School Safety Resources

University of Colorado
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Planning Guide

National Association of School Psychologists
Best Practice Considerations for Schools in Active Shooter and Other Armed Assailant Drills 

National Association of Elementary School Principals
School Safety Resources

International Association of Chiefs of Police & Bureau of Justice Assistance/U.S. DOJ
Guide for Preventing and Responding to School Violence 

CSBA Resources

Below is a list of relevant sample policies available through Gamut Online. Please log on to Gamut to view the policies. If you have any questions about these sample policies, please contact us at

  • BP 0450 Comprehensive Safety Plan
  • BP 3515.2 Disruptions
  • BP 1250 Visitors/Outsiders
  • BP 3515/3516 Campus Security


CSBA is a nonprofit association representing nearly 1,000 PreK-12 school districts
and county offices of education throughout California.