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Changing Lives, Saving Lives: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Exemplary Practices in Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Food Security in Afterschool Programs 

Developed as part of the Center for Collaborative Solutions’ Healthy Behaviors Initiative, the resource, Changing Lives, Saving Lives: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Exemplary Practices in Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Food Security in Afterschool Programs, is now available and can be downloaded at

The guide is designed to help afterschool program and site directors, members of leadership teams and program partners, systematically–and in an intentional way–strengthen their own nutrition, physical activity and food security practices. The guide uses a step-by-step approach together with examples from ten afterschool programs across the state that have implemented the practices at an exemplary level. The six practices described in the guide will help programs change their environments and give children the knowledge, skills and motivation they need to make healthy choices. This user-friendly guide shares the remarkable changes experienced at ten afterschool programs together with concrete examples of how they developed and strengthened their approaches, overcame obstacles and achieved their goals of improving the health of students, their families, the staff and their communities.