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Providing Access to Nutritious Meals During Summer  

Recognizing that many socioeconomically disadvantaged children do not have access to nutritious meals during the summer vacation, CSBA has developed a policy brief to provide information to districts/COEs about how they can sponsor, or partner with other community agencies to provide, a federally funded summer meal program.  Supported by a grant from the California Obesity Prevention Program, California Department of Public Health, a program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cooperative agreement 805 state nutrition,  physical activity and obesity program, Providing Access to Nutritious Meals During Summer presents an overview of the Summer Food Service Program, a case study of a successful program, information about the board’s role and key questions for boards to consider.

To further assist districts that are interested in providing these services, a new sample policy and administrative regulation, BP/AR 3552 – Summer Meal Program, addresses the purposes and legal requirements of the Summer Food Service Program as well as the Seamless Summer Feeding Option. In addition, please review a policy brief on Providing Access to Nutrious Schools.