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First Annual Healthy Behaviors Conference 

First Annual Healthy Behaviors Conference- Changing Lives, Saving Lives
December 8-10, 2010
San Diego, CA

The BOOST Collaborative & the Center for Collaborative Solutions (CCS) announce their new collaboration to provide enhanced support and lead national K-12 educators in the out-of-school time field to promote healthy lifestyles for youth. As a result of this collaboration, the organizations will provide the first Annual Healthy Behaviors Conference- Changing Lives, Saving Lives December 8-10, 2010 in San Diego, CA.

Workshop topics include: physical activity, nutrition, increasing access to healthy foods, gardening, childhood obesity prevention strategies, optimal health and well-being, summer learning, school wellness policies, family advocacy, using data, poverty and hunger, food deserts, built environment, healthy fundraising and exemplary practices.

The Healthy Behaviors Conference supports and partners with a variety of organizations that support youth in the out-of-school time hours. Learn how you can make a difference.