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Gov. Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Provide Students with Fresh, Free Drinking Water in Schools  

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation to provide students with access to fresh, free drinking water in food service areas at schools.  The legislation, SB 1413 by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), was first introduced by the Governor in February at his 2010 Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity.

Many students do not currently have access to fresh, free drinking water in schools, particularly in low-income communities. In schools where water is available, it is often not provided in food service areas during mealtimes, and while some school districts have found ways to provide access to water in food service areas, it is currently not a requirement for California schools.  SB 1413 will change this by making free, drinking water a requirement in food service areas at California schools, unless governing board of a school district adopts a resolution stating that it is unable to comply with the requirements and demonstrates the reasons why it is unable to comply due to fiscal constraints or health and safety concerns.

Click here for a report from the California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA) on policies and strategies for promoting water consumption.