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CSBA’s Annual Education Conference has much to offer! 

Register now for CSBA’s Annual Education Conference December 2-4 in San Francisco. Find out more about workshops on school health and wellness at this year’s conference. CSBA’s Annual Education Conference has a myriad of workshops on student health and wellness and collaboration. Here is a list of workshops that may be of interest to you. To find out more about conference, click here.

A Guide to Initiating District Transformation: Leadership and Governance Through the Full Service/Community School Concept
Join a district board president and superintendent in a workshop focusing on the strategic development of the full service/community school concept through leadership and governance. Learn how a systematic approach of board leadership and policy development has initiated a climate of student and community reform resulting in the development of a district wide full service/community school concept.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 10:00 - 11:15 a.m.

Active Bodies, Active Minds: Research Driven Policies and Strategies
Students who participate in daily physical activity exhibit improved academic outcomes. Participants in this workshop will learn from low-resource school districts who have successfully overcome obstacles to improve physical activity and physical education opportunities for students for improved academic outcomes.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.

Administering Insulin and Other Injectable Medications to Students: What Does This Mean?
The California Court of Appeals recently upheld the trial court's invalidation, under California law, of the California Department of Education's legal advisory that unlicensed designated school personnel can administer insulin to diabetic students in nonemergency situations. This session discusses what this case says and what it means for districts pursuant to an individualized education plan or Section 504 plan.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. and Friday, December 3; 10:00 - 11:15 a.m.

Attendance Counts: How Districts Can Curb Chronic Absence to Ensure a Strong Foundation for Learning
This panel of experts will discuss strategies, including board member polices and superintendent leadership to administrative implementation, that districts can take to address chronic absence in schools. Chronic absence is known as an early predictor of academic distress and dropout when not addressed.
Room/Time: Friday, December 3; 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.

BreakfastFirst: Surefire Strategies for Increasing Revenue and Improving Student Performance
Frustrated by your district’s food services encroaching on the general fund? Learn how to increase revenues and student performance outcomes by maximizing participation in the school breakfast program. Authentic examples, demonstrating significant results, will be shared. Discover why districts should be a BreakfastFirst champion and learn about the resources available to support policy efforts.
Room/Time: Friday, December 3; 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.

Building Partnerships for Student Success: Community Schools as the Key to California's Future
Our children’s success lies in making our public schools the centers of our communities. School boards can bring together many partners to offer a range of support and opportunities for children, youth, families and communities. Learn from state and national experts, as well as a panel of three districts that have implemented a community school approach. Get ideas on how to implement this model and the benefits it can bring to students, districts and communities.
Room/Time: Friday, December 3; 3:45 - 5:45 p.m.

Communication and Collaboration Equal School Safety
The discrete elements of effective safety plans have been identified by the federal government and research. An integral element of best practice is communication and collaboration by schools with community agencies. Best practices in school crisis response planning and management will be discussed during this workshop.
Room/Time: Friday, December 3; 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.

Create Additional Revenue by Growing Participation in Your Nutrition Program
Harness the power of your food service program to bring extra money into your district. Your food service department can generate revenue and our food courts can increase your middle school and high school revenue from 25 to more than 100 percent. Transform your school dining rooms into food courts to increase student participation and revenue.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. and Friday, December 3; 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.

Creating Safer Schools for LGBT Students
Students will share stories and provide examples of how important it is to be protected from harassment. This session will share the most recent research on transgender and gender non-conforming youth and school safety issues, including the law, how schools can best meet their legal obligations to protect students and explore model policies that are effective in school districts around California.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.

Promoting Student Nutrition Advisory Councils
Learn how to start a Nutrition Advisory Council in your schools. Educate students about the importance of good nutrition and promote school foodservice programs. Act now to link students, foodservice personnel, administrators and the community to promote good nutrition, facilitate customer feedback and generate fresh ideas.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. and Friday, December 3; 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.

School Lunch: It's Healthy and Delicious
Berkeley Unified School District has made the health and well-being of its students a priority with the School Lunch Initiative. The initiative has two goals-to serve more nutritious and delicious, freshly prepared meals using locally grown food to students and to educate children in kitchen, garden and academic classrooms about food choices and the impact of those choices. Learn about this exciting program during this workshop.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.

There is Hope! Financing Student Health Services Through Community Partnerships
Good health is essential to student achievement, but it is challenging to fund and staff school health services. Learn how to finance your health services by partnering with community health agencies that bill outside sources. One superintendent shares his experience engaging outside agencies to finance and deliver school health services and the California School Health Centers Association will provide resources.
Room/Time: Thursday, December 2; 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. and Friday, December 3; 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.