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Legislative Update: Key bills awaiting Gov. Brown’s signature 

CSBA members are encouraged to use the following links to email Gov. Jerry Brown regarding CSBA’s sponsored reserve cap and transportation cost-of-living-adjustment bills, as well as a bill related to graduation dress codes:

Urge Gov. Brown to Sign SB 527 – CSBA-sponsored transportation COLA bill

Urge Gov. Brown to Sign SB 751 – CSBA-sponsored reserve cap bill

Urge Gov. Brown to Veto AB 233 – Graduation dress codes bill

For ease of sending, a pre-written message is included with each link. CSBA members can add school district- or county office-specific information to each message, if desired.

Bills on Gov. Brown’s desk which pose concerns for LEA’s include:

AB 233 (Gloria, D-San Diego). While the intent of AB 233, mentioned above, is to solidify a student's "right to wear religious, ceremonial, or cultural adornments" during graduations, the bill subverts local control by preventing school boards from establishing and enforcing cohesive graduation dress codes. Specifically, the bill’s definition of “cultural” as “relating to the habits, practices, beliefs, and traditions of a certain group of people” is unintentionally broad and is likely to leave LEAs open to legal challenges if requests to wear cultural adornments, as defined, are denied.

AB 670 (Thurmond, D-Richmond) could pose significant financial challenges for school districts — which are already experiencing steep increases in various employee costs, including pensions and health care — by extending a broad array of bargaining unit rights and employee benefits to part-time employees who are working in playground supervisory roles.

AB 621 (Bocanegra, D-Pacoima) is also known as the Classified School Employees Summer Furlough Fund. If signed by Gov. Brown, this bill would create a fund to allow classified school employees to voluntarily contribute earnings for the purposes of providing income during times when these employees are not receiving a salary, with employee contributions matched two-to-one by the state. The most recent Assembly analysis estimates that state Proposition 98 costs for this program could reach $200 million annually, or about $30 per student; this estimate does not include local administrative costs.

Full list of 2017 bills with CSBA Positions sent to Gov. Brown >>

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