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Stand Up For Education website needs your stories 

Galt Joint Union Elementary School District board member John Gordon is “proud to be a school board member”—and he’s telling the world why on Stand Up For Education, the website that CSBA launched late last year to change public perception about our schools and students.

In “long, challenging and emotionally exhausting study sessions,” Gordon writes, his board grappled with years of funding cuts, making difficult decisions that didn’t compromise learning. “Through it all, we found a way to persevere. I will continue to fight the good fight and give children an educational experience that will prepare them to be a success in life. I am proud to be a school board member. This is why I proudly Stand Up For Education!”

So does CSBA President Cindy Marks—and she wants you to join her: “Our goal is to have every CSBA member district and county office of education submit at least one story to the Stand Up website or YouTube channel about the good taking place in their district or COE,” Marks explained recently.

As the website urges, “Be a champion for public education. Stand Up For Education!” Go to and click on the “Share your story” icon.