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2012 CSBA officer candidates - President-elect 

Following is the statement from the candidate for President-elect. The statement appears exactly as received by CSBA:

Jo Lucey
President-elect, Cupertino USD

Public education offers the children of our nation the opportunity to discover their talents, pursue their personal dreams and contribute to our national economic well being. Our children’s future, and the future of our communities, depends upon our ability to provide an education that enables the students of California to contribute to an increasingly complex and global economy. We must invest in our public schools.

CSBA’s critical mission is to drive the public education agenda and to advocate and promote governance that improves student learning. As school board members, we are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the schools in our local communities are the very best they can be. It is imperative that we have the tools and knowledge to act not just in our local communities, but at the state level and national level as well.

I have spent the past year learning the responsibilities of the Vice-President of CSBA, striving to build a strong internal organization that fulfills our mission. My CSBA service - on the Delegate Assembly and the Board of Directors, on the Budget, Board Development, Diversity, Legislative Action, and Conference Committee - coupled with my business executive experience, and my local board and county-wide education activities has given me a broad range of leadership and governance experience. I am passionate about the value of public education, and I am committed to serving the interests of our students and school boards.

I ask for your support as a candidate for President-Elect of CSBA.