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2012 candidates for CSBA offices announced 

The 2012 Nominating Committee met on September 22 to interview the candidates for President-elect and Vice President of CSBA. Following deliberation, as outlined in CSBA Bylaws and Standing Rules, the Nominating Committee nominated Jesús Holguín, Laura Rich and Emma Turner as the candidates for 2012 Vice President and Jo Lucey as the candidate for President-elect.

For more information on the nomination process and to review the candidate criteria adopted by the Board of Directors and used by the Nominating Committee, please visit the CSBA website.

As provided for in CSBA’s Standing Rules, additional nominations for President-elect and for Vice President may be submitted to the President and the Nominating Committee Chair. Please note that this is the first year that individuals interested in being nominated from the floor of the Delegate Assembly must submit their intention to run for office by November 1, 2012.  All candidates will have the opportunity to participate in the Candidate Forum on November 28, 2012.

—Janice Friesen, Chair 2012 Nominating Committee, Region 7B, Castro Valley USD

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