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Fiscal issues highlight CSBA’s Back-to-School Webcast 

Archived webcast offers detailed briefings on range of topics

School governance teams across California got a concise but detailed update on critical school finance issues as part of CSBA’s 2012 Back-to-School Webcast last month; it’s now posted for viewing anytime on CSBA’s website.

CSBA Executive Director Vernon M. Billy moderated the panel discussion that offered insights from Assistant Executive Director for Governmental Relations Dennis Meyers; General Counsel Keith Bray; Legislative Advocates Erika Hoffman and Brian Rivas; and Policy and Programs Officer Christopher Maricle. Billy stressed that it’s especially critical for CSBA members to educate voters about the importance of supporting Propositions 30 and 38, two school finance measures on the Nov. 6 ballot that will supply desperately needed revenue for public schools.

Highlights of the wide-ranging, two-hour webcast included proposals to transform the state’s approach to public school appropriations through a weighted student funding formula, as well as pension reform, Common Core State Standards and federal education issues.

The webcast can be viewed here. Placing your cursor on the black line at the bottom of the screen line will bring up play/pause and volume controls and a timeline that allows you to advance to a particular time in the webcast.

Key issues and the times they were discussed include:

  • Election issues: from CSBA  President Jill Wynns’ introduction to 36 minutes in
  • Mandates and reimbursements: 36:00-47:00
  • Pension reform: 47:00-53:30
  • Teacher evaluations: 53:30 to the 1-hour mark
  • Viewer questions: 1:00:00-1:08:00
  • Suspensions/expulsions: 1:08:00-1:24:30
  • Instructional materials: 1:24:30-1:28:30
  • Federal issues: 1:28:30-1:33:30
  • Common Core State Standards: 1:33:30-1:41:30
  • Final remarks: 1:41:30-1:49:00