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Voters approve Prop. 30: CSBA continues fight for adequate public school funding  

While CSBA and the public education community statewide are celebrating yesterday’s passage of Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown’s measure providing desperately needed funds to help cash-strapped schools, the association vows to continue the fight for fair and adequate funding for public education.

“We thank the governor for his efforts to help restore funding to our schools. We see this victory as a clear sign … voters value public education and want our schools to be properly funded. The passage of Proposition 30 is the first step toward rebuilding our public education system,” said Vernon M. Billy, CSBA executive director.

In this fiscal year, the funding measure will direct more than $3 billion to K-12 schools. Yet, even with the infusion of this revenue, “California’s public schools are still grossly underfunded,” Billy said. “California ranks 47th out of the 50 states in per-pupil funding. The state spends $2,850 less per pupil than the national average and is ranked dead last in the ratio of adults to students on campus. It’s time to turn the tide on these negative statistics and make our schools the best in the nation, and that starts with adequate funding.”  

CSBA will continue “to lead the charge for adequate funding,” CSBA President Jill Wynns vowed. “Proposition 30 stops the hemorrhaging—but we need to get to the root of the problem. Our schools need resources to lead the nation in academic achievement and innovation.”

Easy links:

  • Click here to see Wynns deliver her post-election comments on video, and read CSBA’s complete Proposition 30 press release here.