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6 days left – Advocate for the passage of Props. 30, 38 

With less than a week left before Election Day, board members are urged to do what they can to urge a yes vote on Propositions 30 and 38. Board members may advocate as individuals but not as official representatives of their school board or districts.  No district resources may be used for political advocacy.

“I urge all our members to do whatever they can to personally advocate in these last few days for the passage of both propositions.  We expect this to be a very close vote count.  Your personal efforts to urge families and friends to vote yes could be the votes we need to secure a victory,” said CSBA President Jill Wynns.  

Support for Prop. 30 has fallen from 52 percent to 48 percent, while opposition has grown from 40 percent to 44 percent, according to the latest poll by the Public Policy Institute of California.  The decrease in support is attributed to broadcast advertising that claims that schools won’t see any of the money from Prop. 30. The most alarming drop has been among parents with children in public schools, whose support has slipped from 52 percent in September to 45 percent in October. Meanwhile, support for Prop. 38 has also dropped to 39 percent.

“Passage of Prop. 30 will allow schools to avoid another round of devastating cuts, including a loss of up to 15 instructional days. Prop. 30 also will provide resources to begin eliminating deferrals.  Accurate, simple messaging is available on the CSBA website to help guide your discussions and set the record straight,” Wynns added.

Find talking points, sample press releases and other resources on Props. 30 and 38 under the Stand Up for Education tab on the CSBA website.