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2010 CSBA FIC delegation 

This year’s members of CSBA’s Federal Issues Council were:

Frank Pugh, CSBA President
Mary Boger, CSBA Vice President
Paula S. Campbell, CSBA Immediate Past President
Scott P. Plotkin, CSBA Executive Director
Cathie Bustos, California County Boards of Education President
Sharon Liddell, Superintendent, Santa Rosa City Schools
Kerry Clegg, NSBA Regional Director
Priscilla Cox, CSBA Director, Region 6
Josephine Lucey, CSBA Director, Region 20
Emma Turner, CSBA Director-at-Large, Black
Jill Wynns, Board Member, San Francisco Unified School District
Shana Levine, Former board member, Dixon Unified School District
Martin Gonzalez, CSBA Deputy Executive Director, Financial Programs and Policy Services
Erika Hoffman, CSBA Principal Legislative Advocate, Governmental Relations
Marguerite Noteware, CSBA Research Consultant
Rick Pratt, CSBA Assistant Executive Director, Governmental Relations
Susan Swigart, Principal Director, Member Services and Media Relations
Jeff Vaca, Chief Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operations Officer