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CSBA Annual Conference registration opens June 14 

Early-bird conference registration opens June 14 for CSBA’s 2010 Annual Education Conference and Trade Show, which is coming to San Francisco Dec. 2-4—and keynote addresses from two visionary education leaders who specialize in the dynamics of change are among the many compelling reasons to attend.

Urban sociologist Pedro Noguera’s talk will be the centerpiece of the Annual Conference’s opening session Dec. 2. Technology expert Ian Jukes will address the second General Session Dec. 3. Following their formal presentations, each speaker will be available for book signings.

“We are extremely excited to offer conference attendees the opportunity to hear from these compelling speakers,” said Annual Education Conference Coordinator Deanna Fernandes. “These are especially challenging times for public education and for school governance teams working to preserve essential services to children in the face of enormous financial constraints. We’re presenting an especially content-rich program at this year’s conference.”

Noguera, himself a former school board member, is a professor at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University and the executive director of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education. He specializes in the study of how schools are influenced by urban social and economic conditions and has worked as a consultant to a number of large urban school districts.

Jukes, named one of the nation’s top 10 education speakers by Consulting Magazine Online, is a self-described “education evangelist” whose mission is to ensure that educational institutions evolve so they can continue to serve the next generation of “digital natives”—young people who take for granted the computerized environment that their elders sometimes struggle to adapt to.

The Annual Conference is CSBA’s premier continuing education program, delivering practical solutions to help governance teams from school districts and county offices of education improve student learning and achievement. The association has received hundreds of workshop applications from aspiring presenters interested in sharing their expertise in San Francisco. The Annual Education Conference Planning Committee is combing through proposals from CSBA’s members around the state to schedule a wide range of workshops that will help governance teams advance the interests of their local schools, students, staff and communities.

Save by signing up early

In a new procedure this year, early conference registration and housing reservations will open simultaneously at 7 a.m. June 14—there’s no longer any need to wait for a confirmation code to secure housing accommodations.

As part of a continuing effort to help its members in this difficult economic and fiscal environment, CSBA is holding registration rates at the 2007 level for the fourth consecutive year—and early registrants save $100 off the on-site fee. Early registration will cost just $425 through Aug. 22. The rate then rises to $455 through Nov. 9, with the full on-site registration fee of $525 available thereafter.

CSBA has reserved room blocks at several hotels close to the Moscone Center. The San Francisco Marriott Marquis is the headquarters hotel, with rooms available for $239 per night plus tax. Rooms are also available at the W San Francisco for $189 and the Courtyard San Francisco Downtown for $139 per night; those rates are also per night, plus tax.

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