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CSBA, other associations are prepared for 2010  

From this month’s CSBA Forecast Webcast and the National School Boards Association’s Federal Relations Network Conference to plans for Celebrating Opportunities for Students of All Cultures in March, a variety of upcoming events are of statewide, Southwestern U.S. and national significance.

Forecast Webcast

First up is CSBA’s Forecast Webcast, to be transmitted over the Internet from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Jan. 14—just days after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled to release his 2010-11 state budget proposal. Now in its fourth year as a complimentary, online offering, this longstanding event offers an overview of legislative, regulatory and economic developments expected to affect public education in the coming year.

Nationally known economist Christopher Thornberg will join CSBA Executive Director Scott P. Plotkin, Assistant Executive Director, Governmental Relations Rick Pratt and other presenters in warning local education governance teams what to watch out for.

Federal Relations Network

NSBA’s Federal Relations Network Conference will take place in Washington, D.C., Sunday, Jan. 31, through Tuesday, Feb. 2. The 37th annual FRN conference offers participants a unique opportunity not only to see how federal education policy is crafted, but to help influence the result—and to compare notes with other school board members from around the country.

Key federal priorities for NSBA in 2010 include reauthorization of an improved and better-funded Elementary and Secondary Education Act and adequate funding for federal education programs, especially as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s economic stimulus winds down.

Conference registration is $635. Hotel reservations are also available.

Celebrating Opportunities

The renamed Celebrating Educational Opportunities for Students of All Cultures Conference will take place in Phoenix, Ariz., March 25-28. It’s a collaborative effort of CSBA and the Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas school boards associations. According to this year’s host, the conference will offer participants opportunities “to engage in courageous conversations about how to meet the educational needs of all children,” and on “ways to create pathways to success for both students and staff,” as well as to “learn from other leadership teams’ proven best practices for setting direction and policy for our schools.”

Easy links:

  • Forecast Webcast: Read more and register under the Spotlight section of CSBA’s Web site.
  • Federal Relations Network: More information and preregistration with CSBA—a prerequisite for Californians planning to attend—is available under the Spotlight section of CSBA’s Web site.
  • Celebrating Opportunities: Find out more here.