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Also: Trainings on ‘Maximizing Physical Activity’ 

Continuing their longstanding partnership to improve student performance, CSBA and California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition) are teaming up to host a round of Policy in Action trainings: Maximizing Physical Activity Opportunities in Tough Budget Times.

Tailored to school board members, superintendents, assistant superintendents and other governance leaders engaged in physical education, physical activity and wellness programs at school districts and county offices of education, these trainings will equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to strengthen physical activity and physical education in schools. The trainings will focus on maximizing physical activity opportunities among students for improved health and academic achievement.

“We’re going to highlight low- and no-cost strategies to strengthen physical activity opportunities during difficult economic times,” said Jessica St. John, the CSBA physical education/physical activity consultant who will lead the trainings with physical activity specialist Lindsey Cox of California Project LEAN.

With recent training opportunities offered in Southern California—most notably at CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Diego last month, and at the School Wellness Conference in Anaheim in October—venues for the upcoming events are focused on the Central Valley, Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area, St. John explained.

Locations and dates include:

  • Fresno County Office of Education—Feb. 17
  • Redding Library—Feb. 23
  • Alameda County Office of Education—March 11

Each training will begin at 9:30 a.m. and go through 3:30 p.m., and will be tailored to its regional audience based in part on results of a 2009 CSBA-California Project LEAN survey, with guest speakers from area school districts and other organizations.

Participants will learn how to:

  • strengthen physical education and physical activity opportunities for students without sacrificing the bottom line
  • use sample policies, case studies and other tools to develop comprehensive physical activity policies
  • develop strategies to improve the quantity and quality of student physical activity before, during and after school through P.E., recess, classroom activities, safe routes to school, joint use of facilities and before- and after-school programs

The $25 registration fee includes lunch, refreshments and materials. The trainings are supported by a grant from the California Endowment and the Vitamin Cases Consumer Settlement Fund.

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