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Jan. 13 Forecast Webcast launches CSBA’s 2011 events 

CSBA’s leadership development opportunities for 2010 may have just ended with our Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Francisco, but preparations for our 2011 events are already under way—beginning with a timely look at the new year at our complementary Forecast Webcast.

The two-hour Forecast briefing goes out live over the Internet starting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 13—just days after new Gov. Jerry Brown is due to propose a 2011-12 state budget. CSBA Assistant Executive Director for Governmental Relations Rick Pratt will update his assessment of the current state budget and look ahead to what 2011 may hold in terms of legislation and regulations coming out of Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Christopher Thornberg, founding principal of the nationally regarded Beacon Economics consulting firm, will once again add his outlook for the state’s economy.

CSBA’s popular workshops on the Brown Act and Board Presidents Workshops and our Institutes for New and First-term Board Members will begin traveling the state soon afterward, bringing information on open meeting requirements and board governance to convenient locations in a format that draws on participants’ personal experiences and insights.

The Brown Act: What You Need to Know: Attorneys with extensive experience in this open-government law’s application to school boards will present fact-filled workshops at six sites around the state. Brown Act workshops begin at 5:30 p.m. and go for three hours. Registration is $145 in advance.

Board Presidents Workshops: These workshops, presented by CSBA governance consultants Leslie DeMersseman and Luan Rivera (both former presidents of CSBA and their local school boards), equip participants with effective team-building techniques to help them conduct meaningful meetings while keeping their boards focused on student learning. Registration costs $195 in advance, $205 on site; Board Presidents Workshops can be combined with Brown Act workshops scheduled the same day and location for a combined cost of $290.

Institutes for New and First-term Board Members: These innovative, two-day seminars are the best opportunity for newly elected and first-term trustees to gain an understanding of their unique role and responsibilities. Experts in school governance offer seasoned insights into the board’s role in effective governance, finance, human resources and student learning. Each day’s session goes from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $255 in advance, $265 on site.

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