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Sign-ups open for NSBA’s D.C. conference 

Registration is now open for the National School Boards Association’s 38th annual Federal Relations Network Conference, which will take place in Washington, D.C., next Feb. 6-8.

FRN gives school board leaders from California and across the country the opportunity to influence federal education funding and policy over the course of three days of education and advocacy, culminating in a full day of lobbying members of Congress on Capitol Hill; two days of optional pre-conference activities are also available.

FRN organizers say local board members helped convince Congress to pass a key $10 billion Education Jobs Fund last year. This year’s FRN participants will see how preparations for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act are shaping up, among other critical federal education issues.

Conference registration is $655. Lodging at the Hilton Washington Hotel is available through FRN Housing at $208 per night plus tax, but reservations must be made prior to Jan. 10. 

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