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Vantage Point: CSBA’s leadership: Our commitment to you 

Martin Luther King Jr. once wrote, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The events of the past month have represented just such a moment of challenge and controversy.

Right now, many CSBA members are clamoring for answers. You have questions regarding the actions of Scott P. Plotkin, our executive director. You have questions regarding decisions made by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect to his compensation package. Members of the Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly have questions for me and the other members of the Executive Committee.

I commit to the members of CSBA that your questions will be answered. There may be some issues with respect to confidential personnel actions that cannot be publicly addressed, but you deserve nothing less than complete answers to the concerns you have. I realize that the decisions made regarding Scott’s full compensation in recent years—while made with the goal of recognizing his accomplishments on behalf of CSBA—were not always consistent with the circumstances our members currently face.

As a Board of Directors, we take responsibility for those decisions, and we have learned from them. I can guarantee that the board is using this as an opportunity to put into place new practices and protocols that ensure the future compensation of our executive director is not only in line with similar associations, but that it recognizes the circumstances of CSBA’s members. To that end, an independent firm will be retained to conduct a review of the association’s compensation system and assist in instituting best practices. The association will provide annual financial reports and IRS 990 forms on the CSBA website. In addition, a full review of the association’s financial systems and past expenditures will take place. We are taking this situation very seriously.

This is also a terrible situation for our now-former executive director, who has been a leader in California on issues concerning public education. The school finance lawsuit filed in May is just one example of what CSBA has been able to accomplish under his leadership.

But now our focus must be on moving forward. It is important for me to note that these problems do not reflect on the programs and services offered by CSBA, or the people who work diligently on your behalf to provide those programs and services. The work of CSBA has not come to a standstill. Our people continue to fight the good fight on many fronts, including at the state Capitol and in meetings of the State Board of Education. Our policy services and district services programs continue to provide vital support and great value to members.

Please continue to forward your questions and concerns to me at