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CSBA responds to Plotkin’s exit 

Board will act on recommendations

CSBA’s Board of Directors has called a special meeting for Aug. 17 to take further actions in response to the circumstances which led to the departure of Executive Director Scott P. Plotkin.

After the board met on July 23, CSBA President Frank Pugh stated, “As school board members, CSBA’s Board of Directors believes strongly in good governance. We can assure you that appropriate board protocols and practices will be enacted to ensure that effective checks and balances are in place for the board and staff.”

At the Aug. 17 meeting, the Board will discuss a number of items to move forward on these commitments, including an independent review of fiscal procedures and policies, an independent review of compensation policies, and a process to select a permanent executive director.

It is anticipated that the board will also hear updates on a number of important items, including the state budget and the school finance lawsuit filed by CSBA’s Education Legal Alliance in May.

“The association’s mission is to ensure a high-quality education for all students, and nothing is going to distract us from that mission,” Pugh said.

Davis W. Campbell, CSBA’s executive director from 1988 until he retired in 2001, is assisting the board on a temporary basis during this transition period. Plotkin’s retirement takes effect Sept. 1, after he exhausts accrued time off.