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Budget news adds urgency to CSBA Legislative Action event May 23-24 

March maintained the bad news trend for California’s schools:

  • Qualified or negative declarations on school districts’ interim status reports were up “an alarming 17 percent” over last June, according to state schools chief Jack O’Connell. 
  • Nearly 25,000 teachers received preliminary layoff notices, according to the California Teachers Association. 
  • Federal questions about Schwarzenegger administration assertions regarding the state’s education funding plans cast a shadow on prospects for $400 million in State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (see related story).

All of which puts added importance on participation in this year’s Legislative Action Conference in Sacramento May 23-24.

Presented in collaboration with the California County Boards of Education, CSBA’s Legislative Action Conference brings governance team members to Sacramento for two days of briefings and strategy sessions, capped by meetings with participants’ legislators.

The event is headquartered at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, across the street from the state Capitol. Mac Taylor, the nonpartisan legislative analyst who advises lawmakers on fiscal implications of state budget decisions, will be among the speakers.

The $245 registration fee includes meals and materials; a block of rooms is reserved at the Hyatt at a special conference rate of $139.

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