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Legislative Action speakers lined up 

May 23-24 conference will be in Sacramento

Rick Miller, until recently the deputy superintendent at the California Department of Education, will share his insights into state and national education issues at CSBA’s Legislative Action Conference in Sacramento next month.

Now a sought-after private consultant, Miller will deliver the keynote address at the conference dinner Sunday, May 23. He joins nonpartisan Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor, the May 24 breakfast keynoter, as the two outside experts who will share their independent perspectives on California’s ongoing fiscal crisis and its effects on public schools.

CSBA leaders and staff will launch the conference Sunday afternoon with detailed briefings on the association’s own analysis of what the future holds after the budget cuts that have devastated California’s public schools over the past two years—and what advocates for public education can do about it.

Presented in collaboration with the California County Boards of Education, CSBA’s Legislative Action Conference brings school board members and administrators to Sacramento for two days of briefings and strategy sessions, capped by meetings with participants’ legislators in sessions coordinated by CSBA.

The event is headquartered at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, across the street from the state Capitol. The $245 registration fee includes meals and materials; a block of rooms is reserved at the Hyatt at a special conference rate of $139.

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  • Find more information and an online registration link here.