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Training and EventsLearning opportunities, training sessions, professional development and meetings


Recorded: September 22, 2015


Find out what must be accomplished at the local level to assist administrators, teachers and parents in successfully implementing the reforms recommended by the statewide special education task force to reach as many students as possible in regular education.

Discussion points include:

  • Maximizing participation in regular education through teaching strategies, curricular modifications, and behavioral supports.
  • Conducting problem resolution outside of special education.
  • Developing coherent procedures to help teachers with interventions that are not dependent on referrals to other support systems.

Presenters: Dr. Vicki Barber, Retired Superintendent, El Dorado County Office of Education & Co-Executive Director, Statewide Special Education Task Force; Dr. Lee Funk, Director - Special Education, School Innovations & Achievement; and Michael Gomez, Principal of De Portola Elementary School, Saddleback Valley USD.

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