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Training and EventsLearning opportunities, training sessions, professional development and meetings


Recorded: August 12, 2015


This insightful discussion covers the challenges facing schools and the families they serve when students are injured. These challenges include access to care — and how to pay for it, California Education Code compliance and liability mitigation.

Also discussed:

  • The impact of health care reform and typical coverage strategies ranging from parent-purchased voluntary plans and non-pre-disclosed blanket coverages to large limit catastrophic injury plans
  • Additional cost savings through use of extensive provider networks
  • Optimal use of UCR guidelines, co-pay features and deductibles
  • “Gray area” exposures that are becoming increasingly common with sports

Presenters: Kevin Toohey, President; Sean Toohey, Executive Vice President; and Monica Toohey, Director of Specialty Risk at Myers-Stevens & Toohey; Andrew Howard, Regional Sales Director at First Health Network

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