This complimentary webinar will include an overview of LCFF’s historic revision to local school funding allocations—which provide additional funds for English learners, students from low-income families and foster youth—and discussion of:
- Key decision points—critical questions board members should ask
- The implementation timeline—both for local educational agencies and for the State Board of Education, which will establish many of the implementation details
- What board members can do now to engage local stakeholders and begin to educate them on LCFF’s implications
The presenter lineup includes CSBA Legislative Advocate Andrea Ball and Senior Policy and Programs Director Teri Burns, along with Merrill Vargo from Pivot Learning Partners.
Friday, August 2, 2013 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Who should attend
All CSBA members who who want to gain a better understanding of the LCFF and its implications for their governance teams.