In the past decade, California has seen significant changes to STEM instruction. The Common Core Mathematics Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards are meant to prepare students for the jobs of the 21st century. These standards are more student-centered, involve more hands-on experiences and make stronger connections to the outside world than previous state curriculum standards. Even though California standards are meant to engage students, many students do not have access to rigorous STEM experiences. Low SES and students of color are more likely to attend high schools that do not offer AP courses or advanced courses in STEM. In elementary school, these students will also see less science instructional time. Board members have opportunity to support strong STEM and STEAM experiences by making STEM part of the LCAP, create a vision for the science in their LEA and support teacher professional learning around STEM. During 2018-20, CSBA has been fortunate to have much of the its STEM work supported by the S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation. This funding will allow CSBA to develop videos, an online course, and several briefs related to STEM.
Research & Governance Briefs
Next Generation Science Standards Videos
Newsletter articles and blog posts
Online Learning Center Module
Continue to explore ways to implement and support NGSS through our new Online Learning Center module: Supporting the Next Generation Science Standards.
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