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products and servicesOfferings for governance teams, school districts and county offices of education

Long-term retention of experienced employees is more cost-effective than seeking and recruiting new ones. At the same time, attracting the best candidates is also vital for maintaining the highest quality staff in your district.

The program

School administrators understand the pivotal role a competitive compensation package plays in employee satisfaction and long-term retention, as well as attracting new talent. 

Bargaining units often have an inaccurate perception of compensation packages, which can impact employee morale and complicate negotiations.

TSS Compensation Studies have been instrumental in improving employee morale, job satisfaction, and retention as well as providing accurate information for negotiations.

With our deep understanding of the educational landscape, our collaborative work with the employee bargaining units, and our excellent knowledge of available resources, our studies can provide comprehensive, logical, and practical solutions for districts.


Visit us online!

4751 Mangels Blvd.
Fairfield, CA  94534
P: 707.422.6393