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products and servicesOfferings for governance teams, school districts and county offices of education


Orientation for New Trustees/ (April 17, 2025 - VIRTUAL)


Orientation for New Trustees │ Virtual

This full-day program is tailored to meet the needs of new board members. Facilitated by CSBA faculty, this session will provide new trustees with the essential information and resources necessary to successfully manage the first months of serving on their board.

Who should attend?

The Orientation for New Trustees is a curated professional development program designed for new board members. It offers opportunities to meet and engage with other new trustees and Masters in Governance (MIG) faculty members. Superintendents are encouraged to attend with their board members and are required to register as participants.


During this workshop, members will explore the critical elements of their roles and responsibilities, what it means to be a governance team member, and the connection between effective governance teams and student achievement. Participants will also be introduced to the supportive structures and processes CSBA offers to governance teams.

Participants will walk away with practical and applicable knowledge related to time commitment, board meeting protocols and the importance of a positive board culture for operational effectiveness as a high-functioning governance team. New trustees will also leave with an understanding of the importance of essential guiding documents (mission, vision, core values) and how they impact student success and achievement.

One week before the course, participants will receive the Know Before You Go eblast Zoom links and materials download.

Zoom Schedule:

Thursday, April 17, 2025

8:30 a.m. | Training begins

5:00 p.m.| Training ends

Registration fee: $500 standard registration / Late registration: $575 (Beginning on March 20, 2025)
