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products and servicesOfferings for governance teams, school districts and county offices of education


Ethics Assembly Bill 2158 (April 14, 2025 - In Person)


Ethics Assembly Bill 2158 – Rocklin


California’s conflict of interest laws is based on the belief that a public official cannot serve two masters simultaneously, and that the duties of public office demand absolute loyalty of the individual who holds that office. The purpose of the conflict-of-interest laws is to eliminate temptation, avoid the appearance of impropriety, and limit the possibility of improper personal influence on a public officer’s decision.

The Program

This training will give a comprehensive overview of the conflict-of-interest laws applicable to school board members, including hypothetical situations for deeper learning experiences, and resources for additional knowledge. A certificate of completion will be awarded to the school board member upon successful completion of this training.

Who should attend?

AB 2158 amends the Government Code and requires local agency officials to complete ethics trainings every two years during their term. Previously, members of school district governing boards, county boards of education and governing bodies for charter schools were exempt from the ethics trainings requirement. Importantly, unlike other local agency officials, board members are subject to the ethics training requirement whether or not the member receives any type of compensation, salary, stipend or reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. (Gov. Code § 53234.)

One week before the course, participants will receive the Know Before You Go eblast of materials download.

Venue Location:

Placer County Office of Education
1400 W Stanford Ranch Road

Rocklin, CA  95765



6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Registration fee: $125 standard registration

Open to non-CSBA members, to register contact
