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products and servicesOfferings for governance teams, school districts and county offices of education


MIG Course 4: Human Resources/ Collective Bargaining (November 6 and 7, 2024 - VIRTUAL)


Human Resources | Collective Bargaining

Prerequisite:  MIG 1 - Foundations of Effective Governance | Setting Direction; MIG Course 2 - Policy & Judicial Review | Student Learning & Achievement; MIG Course 3 - School Finance


Why You Should Take This Training:
As an elected or appointed school board trustee, understanding the nuances of human resources and collective bargaining is paramount to fulfilling your duties effectively. This training equips trustees with the knowledge and skills to foster a culture of accountability, compliance with legal standards, and strategic decision-making in personnel matters.


How it Relates to Your Role:
This workshop directly relates to the role of a school board trustee by delving into the essential elements of the board-superintendent relationship, personnel policies, and practices. Trustees will gain insights into how their decisions impact the district's vision, mission and goals, ensuring alignment and coherence in hiring and evaluating superintendents.


Enhancing Your Capacity as a Board Member:
Effective governance relies on the trustees' capacity to contribute meaningfully to a strong governance team. By understanding the legal, ethical, and procedural aspects of personnel management and collective bargaining, trustees can effectively collaborate with superintendents, associations, and unions to negotiate agreements that benefit both employees and the district as a whole.


What You Can Take Away:

Upon completion of this training, participants will leave the workshop with:

  • A deeper understanding of effective board governance in human resources management
  • Practical strategies for implementing sound personnel policies and practices
  • Enhanced negotiation skills for navigating collective bargaining processes
  • Clear insights into collective bargaining decisions' financial, climatic, and cultural impacts on the district


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the dynamics that contribute to district success by fostering productive board-superintendent relationships
  • Develop and implement personnel policies that are compliant with privacy, confidentiality, and due process laws ensuring fair and transparent processes.
  • Establish clear connections between district vision, goals and expectations in hiring and evaluating superintendents
  • Understand the role of the board and stakeholders in the collective bargaining process and implement legal and ethical requirements throughout negotiations
  • Demonstrate ongoing and positive communication during collective bargaining while maintaining confidentiality and adhering to legal obligations


Join us for MIG Course 4 and empower yourself to drive positive change and excellence in education through proficient governance in human resources and collective bargaining.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 & Thursday, November 7, 2024



Wednesday, November 6, 2024 │ 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. │ Human Resources

Thursday, November 7, 2024 │ 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. │ Collective Bargaining


Meeting Details:



Registration: $450| Late registration: $525 (Starting on October 9, 2024)

Registration closes on October 23, 2024.
