County boards of education are the governing body for California’s 58 county offices of education (COEs), which provide services directly to their counties’ most vulnerable student populations through county office-run juvenile court schools and county community schools. County boards govern these schools while the day-to-day operations are handled by the county superintendent. Other county board duties include charter school petition approvals, denials and oversight, interdistrict transfer and expulsion appeal hearings, purchase and leasing of real property, and approval of the COE budget, annual audit and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
County boards of education are critical to student success, particularly the success of high-need students who are served by county office schools. CSBA recognizes the special role county boards play in education at the local level and is committed to providing the information, resources and advocacy you need to perform your governance duties at the highest level.
CSBA will continue to expand the number of offerings designed for county board members because we recognize that the county board experience is unique and requires custom support and services.
Communications about CSBA County Board Member Services:
Board takes action on Transitional Working Group recommendations
Letter: Important message to county board members
Read the announcement of CSBA County Board Member Services
Read the FAQs
2024 County Board Transitional Working Group Roster
Sample county board policies
CSBA offers a series of sample board policies for use by county offices of education and through GAMUT Policy. The samples reflect recent legislation, court decisions and educational trends, and are easy to customize to specific local needs.
GAMUT Policy provides easy access to CSBA sample policies, regulations and bylaws, pertinent laws and other resources. Updated continuously throughout the year, GAMUT includes sample board bylaws and policy samples for county offices of education, the entire Education Code, Title 5, other relevant state and federal code sections, California Department of Education advisories, and a “keyword” index. Learn more.
For more information regarding pricing, subscriptions, or to request a free demo, please call (800) 266-3382 or email gamut@csba.org.
CSBA spotlight on county offices